Research & Test
After various tests carried out during a thorough and precise investigation, in which specific environmental conditions were recreated, as well as corresponding to a certain situation of entrapment in the forest environment, the Comprehensive Safety Device has been tested for environmental conditions recreated during rehearsals such as:
Safety and temperature and gas protection device.
Device for confinement and sectorization.
Research Methodology
Tested at the coimbra forest fire laboratory, by the catedratic teacher D. Domingo Xavier Viegas and his research team.

Research of the Investigation
Tested at the coimbra forest fire laboratory, by the catedratic teacher D. Domingo Xavier Viegas and his research team.

Maximum temperatures registered during the test

Research Conclusions
Tested at the coimbra forest fire laboratory, by the catedratic teacher D. Domingo Xavier Viegas and his research team.

The tests carried out to the Integral Fire Survival device, composed of the elements listed below, consists of establishing protection and recording temperature and gas data in the flame front.
Kit Fire Survival Kit elements:
- FS1 device, capable of creating a water curtain and increasing its efficiency with the use of specific foam.
- FS2 fireproof collective shelter, with capacity for 6 people.
- Thermal tire protector FS3, for the protection of the wheels of the vehicle.
After the tests carried out and the results obtained, it is concluded that the device works successfully and promotes the safety of the occupants, since, during the different tests performed, the recorded temperatures and gases inside the shelter were within the parameters of survival of the human being.
Test laboratory