ISK Fire Survival
Statistics on Causes of Entrapment in Wildfires
From ISK, we have identified several relevant studies that analyze the statistics and causes behind...
What is the protocol in case of entrapment in a wildfire in the United States?
In the United States, the protocol for wildland firefighters to act in the event of entrapment in wildfires...
The causes of firefighters’ deaths in Spain
Cardil and Molina's 2015 study on the causes of death among firefighting personnel in Spain, between 1980...
Some Keys to Surviving a Wildfire Entrapment
To survive entrapment during a wildfire, firefighters must be well-prepared and know various survival...
Integral Safety kit for wildfire entrapments
The Fire kit consisting of 4 elements, specially designed to increase the security and favor the extinction and protection of people and property in situations of fire entrapment with self-pump vehicles.
How does the ISK FIRE SURVIVAL work in an entrapment situtation?
ISK FIRE SURVIVAL has an entrapment safety procedure with self-pump vehicles (patented and tested). The...